Nocking Point Archers Club Meetings

April Club Meeting and Spring Indoor Virtual Tournament
Sunday, April 27, 2025 : 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: OALC, 8051 Mayfield Road, Chesterland
We will be shooting the USA Archery Virtual Indoor Winter Tournament which is a 300 Round on 40/60 cm targets at this meeting. Virtual tournaments are competition were you compete against other archers across the entire USA. The score for this virtual round will also be used for achievement awards. Sign up sheet to select a shooting time for this Sunday is at the range. The fee per archer is $10 which you pay at the time of shooting.
4th Annual Memorial Day Club Picnic
Monday, May 26, 2025 : 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: 5/27/2024 1:00:00 PM
4th Annual Memorial Day Club Picnic. We will be at Hidden Lake. We have the shelter and archery range for the day. It was great success last year. Everybody had a great time.

Sign up sheets are up on the club bulletin board at the range. If you are attending please sign up soon so we can get an accurate head count so there is enough food for everybody. Remember this is a pot luck so to make it work everybody needs to donate something for the picnic. That list is also up on the club bulletin board.

This is open to your entire family and friends. Pet dogs are welcome. You'll be able to work on your USA Archery Outdoor Achievement Awards, or prepare for the OAA Field Championship or to shoot just for fun.

If you have any special requests just let John know.