Nocking Point Archers
nocking point archers

Nocking Point Archers

Next Archery Club Meeting
April Club Meeting and Spring Indoor Virtual Tournament
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: OALC, 8051 Mayfield Road, Chesterland
We will be shooting the USA Archery Virtual Indoor Winter Tournament which is a 300 Round on 40/60 cm targets at this meeting. Virtual tournaments are competition were you compete against other archers across the entire USA. The score for this virtual round will also be used for achievement awards. Sign up sheet to select a shooting time for this Sunday is at the range. The fee per archer is $10 which you pay at the time of shooting.

Nocking Point Archers

Nocking Point Archers Archery Club

About Us:

The Nocking Point Archers is a competitive archery club and is part of USA Archery. Nocking Point Archers club is for target archers who shoot recurve bows, Olympic recurve bows, and compound bows. Nocking Point Archers includes both a Junior Olympic Archery Develop Program (JOAD) for archers 8 years old through 20 years old and the Adult Archery Program (AAP) for archers over 20 years old. Becoming a member of Nocking Point Archers is easy! If you want to participate in the JOAD or AAP programs you must be a member of USA Archery. You can find out more about joining USA Archery by following this link. (Note: When you register for USA Archery select Nocking Point Archers as your local club.)

Since we are a competitive club, all members are encouraged to attend state USA Archery/Ohio Target Archers and/or OAA/NFAA tournaments. We are currently working up a list of the state tournaments that we will be attending.

Yearly dues for the club are $100 which is due on January 1st of every year. Dues are used to purchase JOAD and Adult Awards (pins/stars), and to help offset the costs of running the club. To qualify for any JOAD and Adult Awards, you also must be a USA Archery member in good standing. Volunteer help is appreciated especially for tournaments.

Monthly meetings will be held at the home range on the second Sunday of each month from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. During the summer, meetings could be held at Hidden Lake Metro Park or other outdoor locations so that the club members can experience different types of archery shooting. During the first 45 minutes of the monthly meeting, members can work on their next achievement award or just shoot. There is usually 30-45 minutes of education about different types of shooting, etiquette, tournaments, or something else archery related. The last 45 minutes returns to a "skill building" shooting event.

JOAD or Adult ranks are a way of knowing how far you are along the competitive path. See the pdf matrices listed below for qualifications to achieve your next medal. Members are encouraged to continue their progress down the matrix of achievement awards.

Club Member Benefits:

  • Enjoy the sport recreation-ally or progress through the competitive ranks
  • Learn valuable life skills that will help to build character and develop life-long friendships
  • Receive instructions on the sport of archery from USA Archery certified coach
  • Receive step-by-step instructions on how to measure progress and achieve goals
  • Earn recognition and tangible awards through the JOAD and AAP Programs
  • Participate in local, state, regional and national events

Club Offerings:

  • JOAD team
  • Home school NASP support
  • After school programs
  • Archery Academy program
  • Adult/Veterans program